US here we come, again!

On March 8th our journey will begin. At noon we will take the train to the airport Leipzig/Halle. From there on Lufthansa is taking over responsibility. If the flight is on schedule, we will arrive in Newark at 6:35 pm local time. This time we decided to rent a car for the entire stay. Depending on the immigration process at the airport, we will be hopefully in Red Bank at 8:30 pm.

Believe it or not, my brother turns 30! Sarah and I are exhilarated about the big party to start! Actually we will start the celebration marathon on March 9th and proceed until March 12th (final big party)! It‘s going to be legendary, like Barney Stinson would say:)

Beside the birthday celebration, we are planning to visit NY a couple of times, drive by car to national parks and explore the rural area of NY. Thanks to the ECB statement, the Euro regained it‘s strength against the Greenback, which means coffee time:) Like always I am going to upload some pictures after the trip, so check out the Expedition I section!


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"Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ once you're above the level of 25." (Warren Buffett '99)